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Parsing /scrap /collect data with Instagram 1 to 50000 ID.
Parsing (by software) of the target audience from Instagram up to 50,000 id
(if you give a technical task, according to which, as a result of the collection, you will get from 0 to 50k id - this is 500 rubles. ).
Information collection options:
- Collecting on competitors (subscribers / subscriptions, I do not work with closed accounts. );
- Collection by hashtags;
- Collection by GEO (geolocation)
Working with the database:
- Removing duplicates, backing tracks at the intersection of bases.
1. ID parsing from logins.
2. For this database id, request other information from the social network.networks with data output in the Excel table *.xlsx with column headers:
A - id
B - login Instagram
C - followers
D - following
E - posts
F - Private/Open Account (yes/no)
G - Business (yes/no)
H - Nickname
I - Bio
J - telephone (from contacts)
K - email (from contacts)
L - www linkedin
M - city, country
N - account language
500 ₽